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living will 要求在病入膏肓無可救藥時,不必用人工方法勉強延長生命的書...


But he had a vague consciousness of one thing , though it was not clear to him till later ; that his original tess had spiritually ceased to recognize the body before him as hers - allowing it to drift , like a corpse upon the current , in a direction dissociated from its living will 不過他還是模模糊糊地意識到一件事情,盡管他這種意識當時不太清楚,后來他才想明白。那種意識就是,苔絲在精神上已經不承認站在他面前的肉體是她自己的了她的肉體像河流里的一具死尸,她讓它隨波逐流,正在朝脫離了她的生命意志的方向漂去。

It will help the medium and small enterprises to develop smoothly that they can take their own advantages to encourage the personnel in recruiting the personnel , keeping the personnel and making full use of the personnel . the staff ’ s living will be steadily improved the realization of the goal set by the enterprises 中小企業要結合自身的優勢在招人,留人,用人等各個方面做好對人才的激勵,使企業能夠得到順利的發展,員工生活也因為企業目標的實現而得到不斷改善。

With the rapidly development of minefield and the rapidly increase of coal output , the excavation scope and depth will extremely rise , the excavation work is under the overlying by the thin rock strata , and under the thick loose bed , the population in mine field will be more and more , the relevant basic industries will also develop rapidly . the mines will discharge more water from the underground , and the production and living will also consume more water . so the original water resource balance system in the minefield will be broken , the ecological environment formed by the nature will be destroyed in some degree 隨著礦區迅速發展而煤炭產量的快速增長,既定在薄基巖厚松散層下的神東煤田開采范圍和深度勢必急劇增大,相應的人口也增加,與其相匹配的其它基礎工業一并迅猛發展,導致礦井外排水和生產生活用水直線猛增,這一系列生產和生活巨量用水必然會打破礦區原始的水資源平衡體系,不同程度的破壞自然形成的脆弱的生態環境。

In short , one thing is certain : china will develop , the policies of reform and opening to the outside world will continue , the productive forces will go on growing at an appropriate rate and the standard of living will gradually rise on the basis of expanded production 總之,有一點是肯定的,那就是中國一定要發展,改革開放一定要繼續,生產力要以適當的速度持續增長,人民生活要在生產發展基礎上一步步改善。

Nasa will consider whether astronauts must undergo preventive surgery , such as an appendectomy , to head off medical emergencies during a mission , and whether astronauts should be required to sign living wills with end - of - life instructions 太空總署會考慮太空人是否要進行預防性手術,像割除盲腸,以防止出任務時出現緊急醫療情況,及太空人是否需簽生前遺囑,載明生命結束時對后事的安排。

Since our socialist system is based on public ownership , and since our goal is to achieve common prosperity , we shall then have a society in which the people lead a fairly comfortable life - - that is , everyone ' s standard of living will have been raised 我們社會主義制度是以公有制為基礎的,是共同富裕,那時候我們叫小康社會,是人民生活普遍提高的小康社會。

A “ living will “ is a kind of legislation that protects doctors from prosecution if they do not try to save someone who has said he does not want life prolonged 古希臘的醫學之夫希波克拉底的“禁令“是否意旨禁止安樂死?古希臘的醫生(學者)和思想家是否同意他的“禁令“ ?本文作者在文章中引用這段歷史,想要說明什么

A related document , the living will , also known as a directive to physicians or a health care directive , spells out the kinds of life - sustaining treatment you will permit in the event of your incapacity 可更改遺囑作為相關文件,也稱醫療指導,詳述當你喪失能力后經你同意使用的生命維持方法。

Others employed surrogates who were asked to make “ living wills ” outlining their preferences for treatment ( or the lack of it ) in various hypothetical circumstances 有的研究則使用了“替代者” ,要求其在各種假設條件下說出體現其愿意或不愿意接受某種治療方式的“生存意愿” 。

A situation similar to that of terri schiavo would be unlikely to occur in president george w . bush ' s family because both he and his wife , laura , have living wills 類似(女植物人)泰瑞?夏佛的情況,不可能發生在喬治? w ?布希總統的家人身上,因為他與妻子蘿拉,都立有生預囑。

Living wills allow people to set out specific instructions on whether they want to be kept alive by extraordinary or artificial means in the event they become incapacitated 生預囑讓民眾訂定明確的囑咐,明示當自己失去行為能力時,是否要透過特殊的或人工的方式來維持生命。

The first lady told reporters traveling on her plane to afghanistan on tuesday that she was encouraged that the schiavo case was generating more interest in living wills 第一夫人周二搭機前往阿富汗途中告訴記者,她對夏佛的案子讓外界對生預囑更感興趣,感到鼓舞。

To the extent that there is much public discussion about this phase of life , it ' s about getting more control over our deaths ( with living wills and the like ) 隨著人們對這個生命階段關注度的加深,對于死亡(比如活下去的勇氣等等)我們好像能控制的部分增多了。

Then we who are still living will be taken up together with them into the clouds to see the lord in the air : and so will we be for ever with the lord 以后我們這活著還存留的人、必和他們一同被提到云里、在空中與主相遇這樣、我們就要和主永遠同在。

It is better to go to the house of mourning , than to go to the house of feasting : for that is the end of all men ; and the living will lay it to his heart 傳7 : 2往遭喪的家去、強如往宴樂的家去、因為死是眾人的結局活人也必將這事放在心上。

According to a new source , the dvd and vcd of hkpo live will be released on july 28th . please come back for more details later 收到消息說,港樂dvd已決定在7月28日推出,即是要再多等20多天,到時vcd會同日出街,希望cd也可以一起推出。

Gwt : his father isaac answered him , “ the place where you live will lack the fertile fields of the earth and the dew from the sky above 新譯本:他父親以撒回答他,說: “你住的地方必遠離地上的沃土,遠離天上的甘露。

Often allowing a few select users evaluate your site before going live will save you a lot of time and money 請在網站正式上線運營之前選擇一些用戶,讓他們對你的網站進行評估,這樣可以省去很多時間和成本。

Living will instructs your doctor not to use life support to extend the natural process of dying 一份生存意愿書指示您的醫生不得使用生命支持手段來延長死亡的自然進程。